Prego Sensitive Recipe is an Italian sauce specially crafted to meet the needs of those who cannot digest onions and garlic, providing comfort for anyone suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or who experience strong food aversions during gestation, according to Healthline. This sauce provides delicious nourishment while being suitable for pregnant women who may experience food sensitivities during gestation.
Prego’s Low FODMAP sauce is ideal for those who must avoid onions and garlic due to food sensitivities. With no onions or garlic included in its formulation, this tomato-based tomato-based sauce is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and many customers find its rich, flavorful taste satisfying. Prego also recommends it as a great solution for anyone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and pregnant women alike – Prego claims this traditional Italian sauce provides an alternative option to meat based pasta sauces
Gluten Free
Sticking to a gluten-free diet is feasible for most individuals and can provide essential vitamins and minerals. Before embarking on such a path, however, it’s wise to consult a registered dietitian so you’re certain of getting all of the required nutrition.
Foods labeled gluten-free must contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. This means you can enjoy various grains like rice, corn, millet and tapioca as well as pseudocereals such as quinoa and amaranth without worrying about contamination from gluten. Look out for flour mixes made of buckwheat flour, millet flour or psyllium seed husks as these may provide additional relief from gluten sensitivity.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally gluten-free; however, when purchasing frozen or canned veggies it’s wise to read ingredient lists closely for any hidden sources of gluten, such as thickeners or flavorings. Also double check pre-packaged soup and sauce products along with dried fruits or packaged frozen smoothies for gluten hidden among ingredients lists; malt vinegar could contain gluten so avoid using it as french fry dippers or in salad dressings as an add-in.
Prego offers traditional sensitive recipe low fdmap pasta sauce made without garlic and onion to satisfy even those navigating gut sensitivities. Our tomato sauce is gluten free and vegetarian-friendly with a taste everyone will appreciate! Vine ripened tomatoes pair beautifully with classic herbs and seasonings for an irresistibly flavorful pasta sauce. Serve it alongside low FODMAP vegetables such as crunchy carrots or steamed green beans (15 beans are low FODMAP) for a satisfying side dish, or with a fresh salad featuring low FODMAP vinaigrette dressing for optimal digestion. Each half cup serving provides a rich source of fiber. When managing digestive sensitivities or seeking to avoid them altogether, it’s essential that you work with a registered dietitian who can assist in finding an ideal combination of foods that promote good health and wellbeing.