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Dairy Free Crockpot Recipes

These dairy free crock pot recipes are simple, healthy and family friendly! Let these easy dinners make weeknight meal preparation effortless by just cutting, dumping and walking away until it’s time for dinner!

No matter why you have decided to go dairy-free – weight loss or health reasons – these recipes will satisfy both needs.

Tuscan Chicken

This creamy Tuscan Chicken dish is the ideal solution to warm up cold nights. Easy and flavorful, it is sure to delight all at your table!

This delicious dairy free crockpot dish combines heavy cream, Parmesan cheese, garlic, sun dried tomatoes and wilted spinach into one delicious meal! For vegans looking for an alternative solution, simply substiute coconut milk instead of heavy cream as an easy vegan substitute.

Serve this Tuscan Chicken dish over pasta, rice or zoodles; or enjoy it alone alongside Air Fryer Broccoli and Garlic Mashed Potatoes.

To keep this dish dairy-free, it’s key to use frozen chicken breasts that have been patted dry prior to adding them to the slow cooker. This will prevent too much moisture escaping and diluting the creamy sauce. Also helpful is cutting up chicken into larger chunks as this will ensure faster and even cooking time.

Pot Pie

Pot pies offer the perfect warming and hearty comfort food, indulging your senses with comforting flavors in a golden flaky crust. This dairy free crockpot recipe includes classic ingredients of chicken and vegetables in an irresistibly smooth sauce, along with gluten-free puff pastry as a topping.

This version of a classic comfort dish is ideal for busy weeknights, while you can also prepare it ahead and enjoy during a leisurely weekend lunch at home. For an enjoyable dinner with family and friends, pair this meal with side of veggies or salad for added variety.

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This dairy free crockpot recipe is quick and simple with fresh and frozen vegetables combined, plus some thawed frozen chickpeas for added protein. Fresh vegetables add from-scratch flavor while frozen save you the work of chopping. Add nutritional yeast for an extra creamy twist or place in an oven preheated to 350deg F until bubbling and golden-brown – no fuss necessary!

Bourbon Chicken

Bourbon Chicken is a popular mall takeout dish composed of sauteed chicken in a sweet and tangy sauce, making it both easy to make at home and tasty when brought to parties. Make the chicken ahead of time by mixing with cornstarch and salt before refrigerating overnight; once combined, set it in the fridge as well. Remove both items 15 minutes prior to starting cooking!

This dairy free crockpot recipe is easy and can be assembled in less than 10 ingredients. Start with boneless skinless chicken thighs (my personal choice as they’re more flavorful) that have been seasoned with salt and pepper before placing into your crockpot. Next comes a sauce comprised of brown sugar, soy sauce, and bourbon simmered over your chicken until thickened – voila a dairy-free crockpot dish is complete.

Italian-Style Chicken and Sweet Potatoes

Mixing zesty Italian dressing and BBQ sauce creates a delectable dairy free crockpot dinner, perfect for filling and flavorful vegetarian dining! Enjoy it over warm quinoa or rice, shredded up into sandwiches or tacos, or sprinkled onto salad leaves – this gluten free meal won’t disappoint!

Prior to using your crockpot for this dish, par-cook the sweet potatoes by poking holes with a fork and microwaving on a plate covered with paper towel for 4 minutes – this step ensures they won’t turn out mushy and underdone in your slow cooker!

Coat both sides of the chicken with salt, pepper, and 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning. Heat one tablespoon of avocado oil in a large skillet over medium high heat; add the chicken and brown on each side for 3-4 minutes before transferring it to a lined baking sheet for finishing off.

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